desk pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I want to slam you on the desk, promise to do you all night long, get distracted, last 2 minutes, cry, turn on the tv and continue to hate myself for another weak performance

  2. 2. I'm like a hotel front desk clerk because I want to check you out.

  3. 3. Because then I'd be hard and you'd be doing me on your desk.

  4. 4. Because I wanna bang you on my desk

  5. 5. Slam you on a desk and do you all night long.

  6. 6. You're like my homework. I'll slam you on my desk and do you all night.

  7. 7. Because then i would be hard and you would be doing me on your desk ;)

  8. 8. So I'd be hard and you'd do me all night on the desk

  9. 9. I'd do you everyday, slam you on my desk

  10. 10. Damm you’re good at Gaming I’d love to support you from under the desk ;)

  11. 11. 'cause i wanna lay you on my desk and do you all night.

  12. 12. Because I want to rifle through your drawers.

  13. 13. I will be an "i", you will be a hopping desk lamp, and we're gonna make this night unforgettable for about a week.

  14. 14. Because I wanna flip you over on my desk and do you until the next morning

  15. 15. Cause I wanna slam you on the desk talk about doing you for hours only to last seven minutes and cry myself to sleep

  16. 16. Cause I wanna slam you on my desk, forget about you, do you hard for 2 minutes, give up, and then cry about my performance

  17. 17. Because i want you to hammer me on your desk

  18. 18. Because I'll slam you on my desk and do you all night.

  19. 19. Checked my email, there was reading Checked my dm’s, there was chemistry

  20. 20. I wish i was your problem set, because then I'd be really hard, and you'd be doing me on the desk.

  21. 21. I once cut my chin open on a desk by doing a cartwheel while dancing.

  22. 22. I wish I was your differential equation homework, because then I'd be really hard and you'd be doing me on your desk.

  23. 23. I wish I was your calculus homework, because then I'd be hard and you'd be doing me on your desk.

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