designer pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Girl, you so beautifully complex that they finally updated IE so they could properly display you.

  2. 2. Want to be the Photoshop to my Illustrator, so together we can make a Creative Suite?

  3. 3. I could look at your bézier curves all day.

  4. 4. Cause DAMN you gotta thicc ass

  5. 5. Darling, I don't need to apply the golden ratio to you, I already know you're perfect.

  6. 6. Hey girl, that form definitely follows function.

  7. 7. I can't take it, you're just so well designed.

  8. 8. Even if you're 72 dpi, you're worth it.

  9. 9. I'd need a lot of pica poles to measure my love for you.

  10. 10. Are you the shear tool? cause you have some sharp angles.

  11. 11. Are you a git repository? Because I'm checking you out.

  12. 12. My server's always up for you, baby.

  13. 13. You're like a 300 dpi file, I'm willing to wait for you.

  14. 14. I love the way you work that pen tool.

  15. 15. How do you like your coffee in the morning? I like mine #000000.

  16. 16. Is that a magic wand or are you just happy to see me?

  17. 17. I'd like to export your file right to my bed.

  18. 18. You look fine the way you are, you don't need a mask.

  19. 19. Girl, are you Garamond? Because you are easy on the eyes.

  20. 20. Hey would you like to lorem ipsum dolor sit on my lap?

  21. 21. If you were an app, I'd never shut you down.

  22. 22. I just want to text wrap my arms around you.

  23. 23. I wish we could have a Futura together.

  24. 24. How about we go back to my place and look at each other's meta tags?

  25. 25. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but Paint is the same as Photoshop, right?

  26. 26. I forgot what your headboard looks like. Can I stay over again soon?

  27. 27. I'll be your passion project.

  28. 28. You're just my type.

  29. 29. That dress really adds to your visual integrity.

  30. 30. Girl, your UX works seamlessly.

  31. 31. You'd look a lot better if you were properly laid out.

  32. 32. Is that a picapole or are you happy to see me?

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