guide pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. If you were my tour guide you could study my history!

  2. 2. I'm the guy. Guided by god to make you happy

  3. 3. Is your name Houston? Because you seem to be guiding my rover.

  4. 4. Because your light would guide me home in the cold dark, every single night.

  5. 5. Because you guide my way

  6. 6. Cuz your smile’s so bright, it’s like you’re a guiding star

  7. 7. You're like a style guide. You add consistency to my life.

  8. 8. Hey doll, is this guy boring you? Come and talk to me. I'm from a different planet. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

  9. 9. Lets make like the pages of this guide book and get under the covers.

  10. 10. You must be the Las Vegas Sign, because the light around you guided me here.

  11. 11. You must be the North Star, because the light around you guided me here

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