zipper pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. My zipper

  2. 2. I'm having problems with the zipper on this dress. Would you mind pulling it up for me?

  3. 3. even my zipper is falling for you.

  4. 4. My Zipper

  5. 5. I understand you're catholic, so pull down my zipper and I'll introduce you to my holy trinity.

  6. 6. My zipper.

  7. 7. My zipper ;)

  8. 8. My Zipper.

  9. 9. My Zipper ;)

  10. 10. What has 145 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper.

  11. 11. Do you know what has 160 teeth and and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper

  12. 12. What has 142 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper.

  13. 13. In case of an emergency, pull down the zipper on my pants.

  14. 14. Mind if I test the zipper?

  15. 15. \~Karim Ahmed (Vinny)

  16. 16. Because I could just stuck my pp into you.

  17. 17. I want to work on your leucine zipper with my zinc fingers.

  18. 18. Nice pants. Can I test the zipper?

  19. 19. What has 142 teeth and holds back the wildest ride ever? (motions to zipper fly)

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