slice pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. After I am done, you can slice my belly up with my lightsaber and crawl in for warmth.

  2. 2. I'll be Han Solo and slice you open and crawl inside you.

  3. 3. Because I would love to ride you, then slice you up and crawl inside you.

  4. 4. You could have my heart or we could share it like the last slice. from "Best I Ever Had"

  5. 5. Hey pizza, it’s slice to eat you.

  6. 6. Cuz I would eat you off the ground.

  7. 7. Ey baby wont ya come on over and cut me off a slice of that there genitalia you been toatin round

  8. 8. Cause I want some toast

  9. 9. Coz I wanna spread some mayo over you

  10. 10. See this slice of bread? You are the best thing in here since that.

  11. 11. I got an extra slice for you.

  12. 12. You know what they say: When tongs rub up against eggplant slices, sparks will fly.

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