signal pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I'm feeling this connection.

  2. 2. Are you doing the smoke dance? Or am I just getting mixed signals?

  3. 3. Cause you're giving me really mixed signals

  4. 4. Are you a function generator? Because Im getting mixed signals from you.

  5. 5. Cause you make my piston extend

  6. 6. Are you a redstone signal 'cause you got my piston extending.

  7. 7. Cause you keep giving mixed signals

  8. 8. I know how to read smoke signals. Send me one.

  9. 9. Damn girl, just because you have wi-fi doesn't mean you should connect with everyone who sends you a signal!

  10. 10. They should just replace my bat signal with a picture of you. I'd get there even faster.

  11. 11. Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But here's a lighter. Smoke signal me, maybe?

  12. 12. Hey, I just met you, and your in peril, but here's my batsign, so signal maybe?

  13. 13. Because I'm getting a strong signal we should be together

  14. 14. You don't need a bat signal to make me come!

  15. 15. Because you're not mine, but I'll try to use you anyways.

  16. 16. Cuz you activate my piston

  17. 17. You gave me the indicator signal to push the botton for you girl.

  18. 18. I would love to see you again - can I get your smoke signal?

  19. 19. Due to a signal malfunction, I'm not sure if you're interested?

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