pickups pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. "Wanna go back to my place and play paramedic?" -"Haha whats that?" "It's like doctor, except I cut your clothes off faster." Then use your discretion about DCAP/BTLS comments.

  2. 2. My pickup lines are Turing complete.

  3. 3. Hey are you a pickup line? Because I'm about to overdo you

  4. 4. Pickup lines are overrated, let me take you out on a date

  5. 5. Because it's pumping inside of you ;) Edit: Sorry if this seems like a repost I never saw this pickup line on this sub I'm very sorry

  6. 6. That's my pickup line. Here's another: y=x^2 There, that one is exponentially better.

  7. 7. I shaved my pubic hair into the shape of some mistletoe. Do I really need to finish this pickup line?

  8. 8. Because there’s a new issue with you every single day. (Disclaimer: not an original pickup line, found it elsewhere on Reddit)

  9. 9. "Oh sorry, I'm terrible at pickup limes!"

  10. 10. Here's a "pickup lime" for you.

  11. 11. My heart is bind on pickup and you just rolled Need.

  12. 12. Pretty good pickup line ehh ?

  13. 13. Quarantine sucks so do my pickup line But still would you like to go out sometime.

  14. 14. "I never lie. Unless it's next to you ;)"

  15. 15. That’s the pickup line.

  16. 16. Are your legs Nutella? 'Cause I'd love to spread them.

  17. 17. Wanna go out for some pizza? Because it was either that or a pickup line and both would have been equally cheesy

  18. 18. Because i don't have many pickup lines, but I can pick you up and we can do lines

  19. 19. This sub has really changed (and not for the better).

  20. 20. My best pickup line

  21. 21. (That was the whole pickup line)

  22. 22. Roses are red, violets are blue, I didn’t know what perfect was until I met you x

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