kitchen pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Get in that kitchen and cook me some bacon

  2. 2. Happy Hump Day...May all your ups and downs today be between the sheets or on the couch or the floor or the kitchen table.

  3. 3. Message from 672-739-5463 ( NSA-SEX-LINE ) You left your car keys on the kitchen counter and your panties are on backwards.

  4. 4. Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall Ain't gonna do you no good at all 'Cause once I catch ya and the kissin' starts A team o' wild horses couldn't tear us apart

  5. 5. Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall. I will catch you.

  6. 6. In the kitchen

  7. 7. Because I’m gonna bang you for a while at the kitchen table.

  8. 8. Then why aren't you in the kitchen?

  9. 9. You’re small, cute, and I’m gonna bang you on the kitchen table later.

  10. 10. But i still want to eat you

  11. 11. But you belong in my heart

  12. 12. Because that pussy is RAW!

  13. 13. Hey girl. Are you giving birth? If not then get your ass back in the kitchen.

  14. 14. Cause you should be working in my kitchen

  15. 15. Cuz I wanna spoon 🥴

  16. 16. Because you be looking like a snack. courtesy of jacksepticeye

  17. 17. Because I know I’m going to wind up banging you on my kitchen table later.

  18. 18. I am a regular Harry Potter… In the kitchen of course.

  19. 19. Wanna serve at the soup kitchen with me on Wednesday?

  20. 20. I first panicked when my wife lying unconscious in the kitchen. I then remembered that breakfast is served at McDonalds, and relaxed.

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