surprised pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You'll be surprised to find that I really have no weaknesses.

  2. 2. This app just shut down my laptop its really sad so if you can surprise me with something funny in the comments I will literally love you a lot

  3. 3. Your hair is holding up surprisingly well despite these humid conditions.

  4. 4. My friend said this to someone and I cringed, surprisingly it worked!

  5. 5. Why? Because it’s in my heart.

  6. 6. Because you’re half my universe

  7. 7. Hey, do you want to go on an easter egg hunt? I'm sure you'll find something surprising in my pants.

  8. 8. I wasn't expecting you sitting next to me when I was booking my ticket. Life is full of pleasant surprises.

  9. 9. You get to play France and i get to be Germany, so you lay down and i'll attack you by surprise.

  10. 10. Look, snake surprise!

  11. 11. And I was surprised to see that we have a date this Saturday

  12. 12. Watch out, I might Surprise Slides inside you.

  13. 13. I'm fluent in speaking tongues

  14. 14. Why don’t we get together and surprise others?

  15. 15. I'm surprised there isn't more fanfiction taking advantage of that.

  16. 16. I'm surprised you weren't one of them

  17. 17. because you are P E R F E C T.

  18. 18. Call me a camper, because I will always surprise you from behind.

  19. 19. Look surprised, then say, "WOW, This is the first time I've ever seen a flower driving a car."

  20. 20. The surprise doesn't end after the party. When your friends have left, and the house has become silent, we'd go on with the wildest part of your birthday party — with just the two of us.

  21. 21. You'll be surprised to find that I really have no weakness, especially in my "crib tonight".

  22. 22. You look so young; I'm surprised you don't have any wrinkles.

  23. 23. Why don't you surprise your roommate and not come home tonight?

  24. 24. Feeling thirsty? Reach down this vending machine and see what surprises you will get.

  25. 25. I'll let you audit my assets if you let me audit yours. You'll be pleasantly surprised to see what's in my books.

  26. 26. The bathrooms were surprisingly clean!

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